ALC Boys Tour to Loften High

Jan 27, 2012

The ALC 7th and 8th grade boys traveled to Loften High School to lead a workshop that used theatre to encourage conversation about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Since the boys had decided on subject matter and scene formats that encouraged actor -audience interaction, they chose some opening warm-up games and exercises to break down barriers between the two groups. After several such group activities, the boys performed three scenes showing both healthy and unhealthy friendships. They asked for audience responses to the situations presented, and during a Forum Theatre scene invited Loften students on stage and into the scene to try to (realistically) change an unhappy ending to a happy one. Their time spent together was lively and provided time for a fruitful exchange of ideas, the Loften students were gracious and willing hosts, and the ALC boys were pretty thrilled to have successfully led a workshop for high schoolers.

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