February 2009

New Galleries Added 2/23/09
Girls Place Inc. 2nd and 3rd grade & Middle School

Click here to check out our new galleries!

Jacob Cravey speaks at Hoggetowne Middle School

Jacob Cravey, of EarthGivers and the Neutral Gator Initiative, visited the Hoggetowne Middle School HITT class Thursday morning, February 12th, 2009. Jacob spoke to the students about Neutral Gator?s efforts to balance out the CO2 emissions associated with UF athletic events. They learned that the approximately 2000 tons of CO2 emissions per home football game resulting from car & air travel, energy use at stadiums and attendees? hotels, etc. can be offset or compensated by energy saving products and projects. Knowing that they, their families, and their school contribute to C02 emissions via their own energy use practices, the students were glad to learn of some simple energy saving steps they could take such as unplugging their electronic devices - TVs, chargers, stereos and gaming systems. Jacob also recommended planting trees as a great way to reduce CO2 in the air.

In the next few weeks, as the Hoggetowne HITT class pursues more information about their environmental concerns, the students will decide what actions they?ll take to help solve one of those environmental problems while making positive changes to their community! We believe that improving our communities is an important goal for everyone, even kids. Who knows, maybe Hoggetowne Middle School will be the new home for a lot more trees, cleaner air, and children who choose to make a difference!

You can get more information about the Neutral Gator program at their website:


Click here to see more photos of Jacob to Hoggetown!

March 9 HITT Jam - Press Release

Please click here to read our press release detailing the March 9 HITT Jam.

HITT students to see STOMP at the Philip?s Center!

February 18, 2009 - HITT Students will be going to see STOMP performed live at the Philip?s Center for Performing Arts. These great tickets were made available to our HITT team members through the University of Florida Performing Arts, Performing Arts Partners Program. Many thanks!

Teen Mom speaker at Girls Place

Former HITT Student and teen mom, Chelsea, came to talk to the Middle School girls at Girl?s Place, Inc. Thursday, February 5 2009. This event was part of their session on Safe Sex and Relationships. The speaker told the girls that the best advice she could give them would be to wait and get married before taking the chance of becoming pregnant. Chelsea shared her story of becoming pregnant, staying in school and her life now as a mom. She graduated in January, a semester early, from Loften Academy and is currently applying to Sante Fe Community College to study nursing. As her two year old son lay sleeping she talked about her experiences. The girls got a peak into the life that a teen mom leads. After the talk the students had the chance to hold the baby and give him hugs. The experience was an eye opening event for the girls, giving them pause about becoming sexually active until they are older.

Click here to view some photos from the event.

New HITT student quotes

Click here to read HITT student quotes after seeing The Glass Menagerie performance and post-performance Talk Back with cast. Additionally, check out a short message from Matt Lindsay, Education Department Member and HITT Instructor at Union County Correctional Facility.