Videos and PSA's

The Eastside High School HITT class worked incredibly hard for three weeks to put together a performance for Hoggetowne Middle School on March 14, 2013. The students created a series of scenes to show the effects of alcohol use, from physical and emotional to legal. Each group of students created a 3-part scene, the first Read More

On March 13, 2013 a class of Loften High School HITT students toured to the Alachua Academy. This is a live-in facility for low- to moderate-risk girls ages 12-18 in the Department of Juvenile Justice. The Loften students had the opportunity to hear stories from the girls prior to their tour there and took those Read More

On March 12th, 2013, one of our Loften HITT classes had the opportunity to tour to Duval Elementary School. The HITT class prepared a series of games, a scene, and discussion questions to teach the fourth and fifth grade students at Duval about communication skills. The HITT class began the tour with a little guriella Read More

On February 8th one of the Loften HITT classes toured to the 9th grade transition class at Loften. HITT Students taught and played games with the new class in order to get to know each other and break the ice. After games, the HITT students performed “Drug-Free Fairy Tales” covering the topics of cigarettes and Read More

HITT classes from Eastside High School and Loften High School came together at Eastside on December 18th for a HITT Jam. The Eastside class shared information about marijuana use with Loften and performed scenes on the topic. Scenes were inspired by different movie and TV genres, from Horror to Musicals!  The Loften class shared information Read More

The school year has started and we have “hitt” the ground running with classes at Hoggetowne Middle School and Loften High School. We look forward to an excellent school year working with our new HITT teams! Our students have already been hard at work developing their scene building and improvisational skills. This week, students began Read More

Hawthorne Sr. High HITT students led a workshop for 80 of their Jr. High peers for the purpose of educating them about the various situations in which they might come into contact with drugs (particularly alcohol, marijuana and prescription pill) and the consequences of that use or contact.   Since most of the middle school and Read More

Loften High School students traveled to P.K. Yonge Developmental Research school to present scenes that explore the relationships and associations between nature and technology.  The prepared scenes were initially inspired by photographs taken by HITT students on Earth Day.  Students improvised and developed scenes from the photos and rehearsed them before performing them for the Read More

The HITT team from Hawthorne High School traveled to CH Price Middle School to present prepared scenes on alcohol, marijuana and prescription pill abuse.  The students began leading the workshop with an interactive quiz about consequences, and then performed scenes that revealed the quiz answers.  The performance included actors personifying alcohol and substances to communicate Read More

HELP Tornado Survivors in Tuscaloosa, AL. Please join with the Hippodrome Theatre’s HITT students in a relief effort to help the survivors of the devastating tornados that hit southern Alabama last week. “Authorities are still sifting through the destruction from an 80-mile-long, 1.5-mile-tornado that tore through Tuscaloosa and  Birmingham in central  Alabama, killing at least 65 Read More

Twenty-four HITT participants from Eastside High School presented scenes about bullying for fifteen students from Hoggetowne Middle School.  The tour and workshop also included instruction and sharing of improvisational and value-checking exercises.

Twenty-four HITT participants from Eastside High School presented scenes about bullying for fifteen students from Hoggetowne Middle School.  The tour and workshop also included instruction and sharing of improvisational and value-checking exercises.

HITT students from Loften High School met students from the PACE Center for Girls to present a scene and workshop addressing underage drinking, teen pregnancy, and peer influence on decision-making.  After the performance, both Loften and PACE students discussed key choices made in the scene and replayed moments to affect the scene’s outcome.

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